Molly adjusted to her new home really well. The first night she went to sleep in the bed beside our bed and around 2:00 a.m. she woke up whinning and barking. I think she was scared she was all alone - she couldn't see us. We put her on the bed with us and reassured her that we hadn't left her and played with her and then put her back down and she went back to sleep and slept the rest of the night.
I had gotten some can food and was feeding her and she started having diarreha. So on Friday I took her back to the vet. They said it was probably nothing more than her not being used to the can food - and to feed her boiled chicken (and if we wanted to we could add some rice to it). This is what she had been eating at her previous home. So I fed her chicken I had boiled and with the medicine they gave her, she finally got over the diarreha. I added some rice to the meals and by Sunday she was litterally "peeing" uncontrollably. So I took her back to the vet on Monday and they couldn't find anything wrong with her - said it might be the medicine. But I diagnosed it - I think the rice was causing it because I stopped the rice and she went back to normal! Thank goodness!
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