I called the lady that Pam got hers from but she didn't have any left. I called another lady advertised in the Meridian Star and that didn't work out either. So I made Larry go get me a Trade Winds and of course he gets the Market Bulletin. So I called two numbers from that paper. One was in Cleveland and one was in Magee. The lady in Cleveland didn't answer and I left a message and the one in Magee answered. She told me how to get online at Puppy Find.com and see pictures of the two females she had for sale. Larry and I set up a time to go and look at the puppies and she was delivering one in Mize so we met her at Mize on August 12th, 2009. From looking at the pictures on the internet I had picked out her sister. But when the lady opened the hatchback on her vehicle the one I had picked out ran and hid in the corner and the one that was black and white came running to us, jumping all over us, gave us kisses..... and Larry said - THIS IS OUR PUPPY!!! So we paid the lady ($325) and brought Molly home to live with us. The lady told us to take her to the vet and have her checked out and if they found anything wrong to bring her back and she would refund our money. So after we got home we went to Dr. May's - and Larry said well Doc ... we're back in the dog business! Of course there was nothing wrong with Molly! Weyerhaeuser was down that week and Larry sat inside with Molly all morning the next day while I went to work! I'm not the only one crazy about this puppy!

In Memory of Muffy "Munchkin" Smith
Muffy was born on November 1, 1991 and came to live with us on January 27, 1992. She lived to the age of 16 and died in my arms on March 16, 2008. Muffy was one of a kind. The picture on the left is right after we got her and the one on the left is her taking a nap on my pillow - she slept with us all of her life. We miss you Muffy! You were a great pet!
Cute...love the pink and black. Keep it up.