Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho....Not!

When Molly was little, I put her in several cute puppy outfits and she didn't have a problem with them.   Of course she kind of chewed on them but still they didn't bother her.    Now that it's turned cooler..... I have put several on her and she absolutely hates them.    She will sit in the floor like she can't move - but after a while she will walk around - we laughed at her - you can tell she is really pouting in these photos!   I have tried to reason with her that not only is she REALLY cute.... she will be so much warmer.    The temps have been in the 30"s at night for the past couple of nights.  This morning I woke up and she was in the bed with us.... I didn't even hear her or feel her when she jumped on the bed.... Larry said he thought it was around 2:00 a.m.   I think she was cold!   It's so funny now.... when we go to bed, Molly will sit in the doorway and not even come in the bedroom.    She knows that I am going to put her sweater on!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day - November 26, 2009

It was a really cold morning, so I put a sweater on Molly.   Well she sure didn't like it - you would have thought she couldn't walk - so she really put on the sad face for her Dad and her Dad petted her.   I finally gave up and took it off of her.   Not only did she LOOK would have kept her warm!   Brent got out the old home movies when he was little and showed them to Rebecca.   As you can see, Molly is right up there in the middle of things!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Bath, Blow Dry & Comb

Molly is Five Months Old!

This is Molly with her bear we brought her from the Smokey Mountains.   She loves this bear and her and Larry have spent hours playing fetch with this bear.   It has just about had it....I told Larry we got our $3 out of it.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Molly helping Her Dad with the Deer Stand

Molly and I went with Larry when he went to his deer stands to trim some limbs before deer season.   This was Molly's first trip on the 4 - wheeler.    She got used to it pretty quick.    She didn't like the saw much but she sure did have a good time playing and running in the woods.   She played so hard and followed her Dad's every step - when we got to the truck - she sacked out!

Proud for Mom & Dad to Be Home!

We picked Molly up from the vet's on Friday, November 6th after being at the vets since Monday.   She was proud to see us as we were to see her!     Larry was so scared she would have forgotten us and all the tricks and how they play every night - but she didn't miss a beat when she got home - it was play time again!  They had this cute pink bow in her hair!

Riding Around

Molly loves to go riding in our vehicles.   You can ask her if she wants to go in Daddy's truck or the big truck and she dances around and is so excited to get to ride!

Laundry Basket

We have taken pictures I guess of every pet in the clothes basket.   Molly never did figure out how to get out of the basket!

A Dog and His Man

Larry is crazy about his "Scootie Rootie"!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Leaves

Larry and Molly playing in the fall leaves after we got home from the mountains.
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