Saturday, June 5, 2010

Molly's 1st Swim!

I handed Molly to Scott and he let her swim with him holding on to her to make sure she was okay.   I think she liked it.   She kept acting like she sure would like to jump in the water from the bank but never did get up the courage to take the plunge.
May 30, 2010

Molly's 1st Memorial Day Weekend, 2010

Molly had a great time at the river.    Her and Tipper didn't get along too good.... Tipper was real protective of "her" family!   Maggie is such a good dog... gets along with everyone and was so proud to be home after being lost!     Molly loved the boat rides..... one ride if I hadn't of been watching, she would have jumped over.   Guess she wanted to check out the water.    She never took a nap and never stopped the whole time we were there.   She didn't sleep much... guess she was too worried that she might miss something.   She was one tired puppy on the way home - slept all tlhe way.    Got home and slept until bedtime and the next morning did not even hear the alarm clock go off!   This is Molly's 1st Memorial Day since she was born in June!

River Bound!

We left going to the River for Memorial Day weekend on May 30, 2010.    Molly slept (mostly on her Dad's lap) on the way up there!

Molly is 11 Months Old

May 22, 2010
11 Months Old!

Molly's New Hair Cut

Molly got clipped and seemed to like her new hair cut.    Larry filled up at the gas pumps and stopped to talk to an old friend and Molly kept looking at him and whining.   She was ready for her Daddy to get back in the truck.